What happens
2250. The world is dominated by
women. Only a few specimens of men are kept, in suspended animation,
for entertainment or biological research.
Laine is a historian, specialising in the study of mankind, fascinated by their decline and fall. She lives with Marshie, who despises academia, preferring sex and shopping.
Laine is distraught. The museum which holds the suspendeds is closing and all the men will be destroyed. She takes matters into her own hands, steals a man and stores him in her flat. He stands in suspended animation while she waits for him to melt.
By the time Marshie arrives home and objects, the man is semi-thawed. They are frightened but fascinated as he starts to revive. But the theft is illegal and the man must stay hidden in the flat.
Neither anticipates his revival will pitch them first against each other, then against wider society. Where
it's been Stellar
Network first reading at The Actors Centre London and shortlisted for
Pitch Up at Channel 4 2009 Scriptspace reading at The
Space Theatre Mudchute 2010 The Script Readers at
Stratford East Theatre 2010
Derek has been in
suspended animation for two hundred years. Laine, mistakenly
believing he is her Uncle George, has just revived him ...
Listen carefully,
Uncle George. Since you were suspended,
there’s been some social changes. Men have been almost entirely
eradicated. You might even be the last living example...
Congratulations, Uncle
I suspect there’s
one or two in biological research.
He gives a
brief howl.
He’s not taking this
It’s a simple matter of evolution. Once men were
biologically redundant…
Is this the moment?
We asked ourselves,
what’s the point? Look at your record. You started wars, fought
over territory…
Got people pregnant…
Raped, mutilated…
Never cleaned the toilet.